Sunday, December 28, 2008
Yay Silly Lue!!
She finally did it!! I decided to put Lily on her tummy for a while tonight and then I turned my head away to answer a text from Mat. When I looked back at her, she was half way to her back. I started to encourage her and before I knew it, she had rolled all the way over. I am so proud of her!! What a simple thing to be proud of, but wow it was such a good feeling. Mat and I had been anxiously waiting for this milestone since both her cousin Ian that is two months older than her and her cousin Bennett who is a week younger than her had already accomplished this feat. I was so happy for her and she probably didn't even know what she had done. I put her on her tummy again to see if she could repeat it, but before long she was flustered so I rolled her back over on her back. We love Lily so much. We are truly cherishing every moment that we get to spend with her.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mat and Lily's first trip to Cabela's

I had to go to Cabela's for some Christmas stuff so Mat, Lily and I made the long 2 hour trek there last Wednesday. All in all it was a good day because Lily was very patient being in her car seat for that long and we had fun roaming around the store and looking at all the cool animals. Lily especially liked watching the fish. I think she was totally mesmorized by their swimming motions and it was weird cause some of the fish just sat right in front of her looking at her too. We can't wait to be able to take her camping and do all the fun outdoorsy stuff. Although if I am being totally honest most of her camping gear will have to come from a store that doesn't cost so much because we couldn't hardly afford a hat for her let alone gear. Oh well, it was really fun anyway just getting to go look around!!!
Lauging Lily

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Coon Skin Hat!

Lily has to be the cutest kid I have ever met!! She always has an expression whether it be questioning, doubtful, happy or like this one, just plain cute. We were at Sportsmans Warehouse last Wednesday with our friends Nick and Lindsy and we found this coon skin hat that looked like it was about her size. Of course when we put it on, it was way too big but did that stop us?? No way! We tried it on her and just look for yourself. Mat of course had to get it for her because she looked adorable in it. And he shares it with her since it fits him too. She is the absolute tops of our year!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
First Santa pic!!

Yesterday, all the grandbabies went and had their pictures taken with Santa. Lily is on the far left, Kaison is in the middle and Ian is on the right, sitting on Brody's lap. It was a really good experience as far as baby pics go. Lily was totally calm and aside from sticking her whole hand in her mouth for most of the pics, she did really good. I can't believe it's Christmas time. I can't believe she is 4 months old next week. I am so excited I can't hardly see straight. I think this will be the best Christmas ever!!
I love the red bow

Okay so I pasted a bow on her head, so what! It looks so stinkin' cute, I couldn't help it. We went to church with grammy and grandpa Mortensen today and this is what she was wearing. It was so funny, we were sitting in sacrament meeting and she would decide she is hungry so she would cry out and we would stick the bottle in her mouth. Then she would start to play with it so we would put the bottle away. Then she would cry out again and we would stick the bottle back in. Is she super spoiled or what? Oh well, what are we gonna do right? I can't help but spoil her. We will have to work on the unspoiling later.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Finally done!

So I finished the last Twilight book this morning at about 2:00am. I must admit when I first started to read "Breaking Dawn" I was really worried that it was not going to meet my expectations on what I thought should happen. And I was really starting to gag over Jacob's incessant love for Bella when everyone knows it was never going to happen (although I must admit that I kinda wanted it to in the third book). But then after Bella's "change", it got really good. I am really glad that I finished it and I am really happy with how things ended. I loved it!! For all of those who have read this series you know exactly what I am talking about and for those of you who have not read it, well you will just have to bite the bullet and read them to see what I mean. Believe me, it's totally worth it!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ok Ok Ok...
Alright,,its been a while but here are some Halloween pics, and a cute pic of Lily in her dress that she got for Christmas!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Well after all of the tests and two days in the hospital, Lily is doing great and her tests have come back without any indication of anything abnormal. She has been a trooper(not the highway kind), and has really showed her stength/courage through this process. The doctors have not been able to find anything wrong with her, and think she had a bad reaction to her acid reflux condition. We will be taking her home today, and will all be needing long naps when we get home. Thank you to everyone for the support given and we could not have done it without it.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Still Truckin
Well its been a while since the page has been updated, but we are doing great. Lily is working through her Acid Reflux issues, and doing very well. She is almost 9 weeks old and is starting to interact/smile(not the gasy smiles). She continues to be a blessing to all around her, and we are loving each day we have with her. I know I have said this again, but thanks to all those who have supported us in this, and for the love/gifts given in Lilys behalf. More pictures to be posted soon
Thursday, September 11, 2008
More than She Knows...
Well, after a rough week of feedings every hour, it has been determined that Lily has a little Acid Reflux issue. Little did we know that she would fit in so well in the Harding Kay!! But all is well now and she is back on a regular schedule. With everything going on we have forgotten to thank all of those who have supported us in this process regardless of how the support has been given. Britney, Lily, Rex, and I are very grateful for all of the love, support and gifts given, and are indebted to each and all of you. THANKS.....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Lily's first day at church
So today was Lily Sue's first day at church. She was passed around to a few different friends but she managed to sleep through the whole thing! She was only awake long enough to eat about an ounce from her bottle. She was wearing her purple and white dress with a white flower headband and she looked so adorable. I couldn't believe that after all the years of waiting and wishing and hoping to have a baby with me, it finally happened. She was there and she is all mine and everyone absolutely loved her. It was such a good day!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lily had her second check up today and the doctor says that she is very healthy and has gained her birth weight back. He did the PKU test on her, and she screamed like a crazy woman, but only for a second. Lily has continued to be a great blessing in our home, and is becoming more and more aware of her surroundings everyday. More pics coming soon.....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Well today I got up close and personal with a baby hawk that was turned in to the city animal control officer. I was able to hold it while on a perch,,how awesome was that!?!?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
On August 13, 2008 Lily Sue Harding was brought home from the hospital to meet her Brother Rexy. She was met with love and joy by her friends and family. Everything is going well and I(Mat) changed my first diaper. More to come..........
Monday, August 11, 2008
Yay, Lily is here. She was born on August 11, 2008 at 1:13pm at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was 7lbs 8oz, 21 inches, and has very long toes. Her hair is curly black and she has lots of it. We anticipate bringing her home in the next day or so, and will be happy when she is. Here are some teaser pics..more to come......
Friday, August 8, 2008
Breaking News
Yo. Yo. this is Mix Master Matthew coming straight at ya from a town near you. Britney and I are pleased to announce the creation of this blog. Come and partake of the wondimous world of our family, and peruse the coming soon plentiful pics and posts!!!
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