Thursday, September 11, 2008

More than She Knows...

Well, after a rough week of feedings every hour, it has been determined that Lily has a little Acid Reflux issue. Little did we know that she would fit in so well in the Harding Kay!! But all is well now and she is back on a regular schedule. With everything going on we have forgotten to thank all of those who have supported us in this process regardless of how the support has been given. Britney, Lily, Rex, and I are very grateful for all of the love, support and gifts given, and are indebted to each and all of you. THANKS.....

1 comment:

KJ said...

She sure is cute. Did you have to switch formulas for her acid reflex? All my kids had to be on the Lacto Free formula and once I got them on it, they were much happier. Hope it is going well.

Let me know if you need anything.
